


  • About us

  • The factory is located in Quanzhou City , It has more than 84,000 square meters in total . We have more than 450 workers ,15 sample workers

      And 3 Designers . Our factory have already a member of BSCI, ISO14001,IAF.Our Products Include Raw Materials Inspection ,Semi-Production Inspection And Finished Products Inspection . 

         We can accept “OEM” Order and accept reference of the photos to make samples . We also do copy some samples according to what our clients’ original samples . It can also offer the clients a best offer ,timely shipping and the strict quality control. 

  • Quanzhou Pioneer Outdoor Co,.Ltd

    ADD:5315, Bldg. D, No. 688, Jiangnan Street, Licheng Dist., Quanzhou, Fujian, China (Mainland)
    ATTN; Cristian Guo
    WhatsApp:86-13599557447   86-17759813715
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Alibaba Homepage: http://dreamoutdoor.en.alibaba.com

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